Awaken &


who you Truly are.

Using Paintings as Manifestation Portals

Imagen the power of your visionboard, times hundreds hours of time, energy, focus, intention and dedication. This is what a painting is.

They are visionboards on steroids. As they hold so much energy through all the time and focus that is been put into it.

Manifesting Magic for you.

I’ll have a look at your energyfield, clear your energy from everything that is blocking your truth and start to see, your Soul’s Essence Energetic expression.

Meaning, your Genius that is embedded in your DNA.

and then I translate that unique expression for you, on canvas,
making a PORTAL to your essence, Genius & truth.

Which reprograms your subconscious mind, every day, to align you to your genuine and sustainable Soul’s power.

Soul Essence Portrait Portal

In the core.
There’s a unique frequency.
An energy.
That can not be touched.

It is your soul’s frequency.
Your Essence.
Divine Truth.

It holds.
Where you came from.
Your Home.
Your being.

In it’s truth.
Beyond trauma.
Beyond skin.
Beyond cultural programming.

It can be witnessed
In the other dimensions
As pure energy
A Frequency.

And it can
Be translated
Into a painting.
For you
To remember


[Oilpaint] Soul Essence Portrait
Sale Price: €7,777.00 Original Price: €11,111.00
[Digital] Soul Essence Portrait
Sale Price: €1,111.00 Original Price: €1,555.00